Monday, December 22, 2008

Nursery Boy!

Yesterday after church, I had this conversation with Zack.

"Did you have fun in nursery today?"


"What did you learn about?"


"Good...what did you learn about Jesus?"

"I LOVE Jesus!"

I am not sure what the lesson was about, but this was good enough to me. We are so lucky to have such wonderful nursery leaders who teach our son! Thank you!


Lena Phillips said...

As a matter of fact, it was about Jesus - "Jesus is our loving friend" So good work Zack! Way to answer correctly!

Sasha Fisher said...

Hey guys.... that is so cute. Doesn’t it just melt your heart when your young ones learn fundamental gospel truths? As parents you should be very proud that they are being raised in righteousness. Hope you guys had a Happy New Year and are ready to tackle 2009. We love and miss you. The Fishers.