Thursday, December 11, 2008

No New Cast!!

I took Zack into the doctors on Tuesday. They took his cast off and did a new x-ray. To our, and the doctor's, surprise his leg was basically healed. There is a little part that is still cracked a little in the middle of the bone, but the doctor said the advantages of having a cast on are less than having the cast off. YEAH!! We just have to be extra careful and not let him jump off of anything or let anyone jump and land on his leg.

The funny thing is that Zack still won't walk normally on his leg. He acts like the cast is still on. Silly boy! But he is a lot happier!

Look! I am a genius! I taught Zack how to feed Josh!!! :)


Lena Phillips said...

Wow!! Congratulations! That's great news!

B Flat Major said...

Yeah, but who in the world can keep a two year old from jumping????

Congrats on the return of the normal leg!