Monday, December 22, 2008

Nursery Boy!

Yesterday after church, I had this conversation with Zack.

"Did you have fun in nursery today?"


"What did you learn about?"


"Good...what did you learn about Jesus?"

"I LOVE Jesus!"

I am not sure what the lesson was about, but this was good enough to me. We are so lucky to have such wonderful nursery leaders who teach our son! Thank you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Birthday Boy!

Zack had his 2nd Birthday on Saturday! It was a very fun day. He got all of his presents in the morning and played with them all day long. It also snowed so he got to play in the snow for the first time. He decided it was too cold, especially since he wouldn't walk.

I made him a soccer play cake. Thanks to my sister Jami for helping me. He liked it a lot! He wanted to eat the whole soccer ball, but I quickly talked him out of that.

Here he is with some of his presents. He got a picnic table for outside, Mega blocks and a big truck. His favorite is the big truck. But don't ask him to say it because truck sounds like it starts with a F and has a weak r sound...not the best wod for a 2 year old to say.

Happy Birthday Zack! We love you!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Questar Guy

On Tuesday, I got a phone call. I answered it. The man on the phone said he was Tim from Questar Gas. He said he was calling because Questar is doing a promotion where they send a guy to your house to inspect your attic. He said that most people lose 40% of their heat through the attic because it is not insulated correctly. He promised there was no obligation to buy anything, but if we needed insulation Questar would pay for half of it. He asked if there was a good time to send someone out. I said sure (if I am losing money through my roof, I would like to know.) We decided that Wednesday at 11:00 a qualified inspector would come to my house. I got off the phone and thought "That was weird. I didn't think the Caller ID said Questar." I checked and it didn't. It said "wireless caller."

So I decided to redail and change my appointment to Friday, because Steve would be home. I called the number and he answered saying "This is Tim."

I asked "Is this Questar?"

"Yes, Tim with Questar customer service." he replied. We rescheduled the appointment. But then I got to thinking. This seemed a little off. I told Steve and he agreed. We decided that I should call Questar and ask if they were doing this promotion. I called Questar today and they said it was not them. After hearing this, Steve decided to call the Layton Police department. We filed a report and the officer said he would check into it.

About a half hour later, the police man called. He said that he called the number and talked to Tim. Tim had just lost his job and was trying to figure out ways to make money. This was one of his ways. He was going to come to our house and blow some insulation in the attic and bill us for it. Real honest man, huh? The cop said that he won't be coming to our house now. And that he sent the report to the city attorney to do something with.

I just thought I would warn all of you, don't let "Questar" come look in your attic.

No New Cast!!

I took Zack into the doctors on Tuesday. They took his cast off and did a new x-ray. To our, and the doctor's, surprise his leg was basically healed. There is a little part that is still cracked a little in the middle of the bone, but the doctor said the advantages of having a cast on are less than having the cast off. YEAH!! We just have to be extra careful and not let him jump off of anything or let anyone jump and land on his leg.

The funny thing is that Zack still won't walk normally on his leg. He acts like the cast is still on. Silly boy! But he is a lot happier!

Look! I am a genius! I taught Zack how to feed Josh!!! :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Odds and Ends

Since I haven't blogged for a while, I thought I might do a quick update on everyone.
Zack got a real cast! It is bright green and unfortunately goes to his thigh. At first, he had a hard time gettting around. But he has adapted really well. He even took a few steps today! On Tuesday, we go in to get a new one that will be below the knee. I can't wait! He loves to draw on his cast and let anyone else sign it...he thinks he is pretty cool!

We gave Josh his baby blessing in November, but I never posted any pictures. So here he is on his blessing day. We had a little brunch at our house after. It was a fun day. We love our little guy.

Josh is a complete angel now (not eating milk is worth it)! He has been smiling for about a month or so. He tries to giggle but stops when he hears himself. It is really cute; he pulls this face like "where did that come from?"

My favorite thing to do is watch Zack and Josh interact. Zack is one of Josh's favorite people. He watches him so intently and smiles at him all the time. Zack also loves his baby. He has to give him hugs and kisses all day long. I can't wait until they can really play together...I hope they are best friends. Our boys are our life. They keep us busy, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Poor Zacky...

Last night we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. All of the little cousins were downstairs playing, most were boys. All of the sudden we heard Zack screaming downstairs. I ran down to get him and he was laying flat on his stomach on the cement of my parent's unfinished basement. He wouldn't move. I picked him up and examined him. I couldn't see anything wrong, but he wouldn't stop screaming. I took him upstairs to see what the others thought. He wouldn't put any pressure on his legs and screamed when we tried to straighten his right leg. His leg was also shaking. Since he didn't stop screaming, I decided to take him to an Instacare. I had to call Steve who was at his mom's house (it's a long story of why we weren't all up there, but Zack can't go to her house). He came down quickly and we left Josh with my mom and drove down the street to the Kidscare. When we got there, the receptionist gave Zack a magic sucker. This was the only thing that made him stop crying. Boy do I need some magic suckers! After X-rays, we found that Zack had a spiral fracture on his tibia bone. Poor little guy! They put a splint on his leg. Here is his splint.
Tomorrow we go to an orthopedic physician to get it in a cast. The doctor at the Kidscare was pretty sure they could put on a walking cast, but wasn't sure because the break went high.

Needless to say, last night was horrible. Zack only sleept 3 hours. He was crying in pain the rest of the night. I was giving him both ibuprofen and Tylenol, but he kept moving his toes and leg which caused him pain. I really wished I had some magic suckers at 2:00 AM. This is him finally asleep at 10:00 AM (after a preisthood blessing). He is still pretty miserable, but getting better.
So what exactly happened downstairs? After talking to his cousins, we have concluded that his 4 year old cousin jumped off the couch onto Zack. So, basically, just boys being boys. I better get use to this.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ice Cream Substitute!

With my new diet, I was missing ice cream very much. I love ice cream and can't stay away very long. We went to Double Scoop Deli today and their Italian Ice hit the spot. It is definitely not ice cream, but for my 6 months of no dairy; it will work! It is water based and very yummy. Plus it was only $2! Yeah!! I think I can handle the next months!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good News or Bad News?

Good News:

Well after 7 weeks, I finally have a happy good baby! Josh was a great baby for a few days, hence the earlier post, but then turned really fuzzy. He always had to be held, wouldn't sleep very well and when he did he was restless, was very gassy, and would often scream like he was in pain. At first I was sure we just had a bad baby or I was just a bad mom. Zack was a great baby so it was our turn for a bad one. But now he is a perfect happy baby. He will just lay and look around and smile. He will fall asleep by his self. He only wakes up once at night, which I is getting later and later every night so I think he will sleep through the night soon! Yeah!!

Bad News:

Okay it's not that bad, but it's not that fun...Josh has a milk sensitivity. He is not lactose intolerant, or he would have been really sick. But if I eat dairy, he is not a happy camper. So this means I can't drink milk, or eat cheese or anything else that has a lot of dairy in it (like yogurt, cottage cheese, or milk chocolate). The hope is that he will grow out of it and by on whole milk at 1 year.

So that is what has been going on with life is great and I can actually get stuff done. Amazing isn't it?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Air Hockey

We had to get a new dishwasher. (It is so nice to have one that works!!) RC Willeys had a deal where if you spend above a certain amount, you can get a discount on a nice air hockey table. SO we said "What the heck..let's get one." And so the fun began...

Zack found the Styrofoam after Steve set it up. He discovered that if you put it on the wall it sticks.
Yes, even after vacuuming a ton, we still find little pieces of Styrofoam all over the house. What is it with that does it just reappear?

As you can see, Zack and Steve love to play. I love the top picture of Zack. He understands what a camera is now. So whenever he sees it in my hand, he pulls that cheesy grin. Zack does a pretty good job of actually hitting the puck; he even beat Steve.

As you can see, Josh loves air hockey too. He is one month tomorrow. Can you believe it? Still cute!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Look Alike?

"Oh he looks just like Zack!"
"He doesn't look like Zack at all?"
"He looks like your mom." -talking to Liz
"He looks just like Steve."
"I think he looks like you, Liz."
These are just some of the responses I have heard when people see Josh for the first time. My question is: Does he look like Zack? Here are pictures of both of them on Day 13. To be honest, when I first saw Josh my thought was he doesn't look like Zack at all, in fact he is cuter. (Don't tell Zack, yes Zack is pretty cute too) I still don't think they look very much like each other. What do you think?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Josh: 10 days old

I have decided that baby #2 is sooo much easier than baby #1. I don't know if it because I am more comfortable with a newborn or if Josh is just a better baby or because I had a really easy delivery, but everything is going great!! Josh doesn't sleep as well as Zack did, but the night time feedings don't bother me. I enjoy the time alone with him. He has never cried just to cry. He is a little cuddle bug and loves to be held. Here are some pics of him today.

Zack has been really good with Josh. He calls him Baby. He gets very concern when he cries. Everyone told me he was going to turn evil after the baby. But he hasn't. He's been in time out the same as he was before. He loves to help give Josh a bath and change his diaper. He asks me everyday if he can play with the baby. The one thing that he has changed is his sleep habits. He has decided to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I think he hears Josh and me downstairs, since we fall asleep downstairs during the 3:00 feeding. Just look at the bags under his eyes. I hope he decides to sleep in soon!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This Little Piggy

While I was at a Pack Meeting, Steve decided to make cookies for Zack. The cookies came out of the oven just as I walked in the door. We gave some to Zack and let him enjoy.

He ate the chocolate chips first. Then he shoved the other stuff in his mouth. By the end, his legs were the only thing without chocolate on them. No wonder our son is a little chubby boy! He loves his sweets!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to visitors

Hey all,
We are home now and welcome to visitors if you'd like to see the new addition to our family and are not sick. Here's some more pics of him today:

Monday, September 22, 2008


Well everybody,

Our boy, Joshua John Abercrombie, has come into our lives a lot sooner than we expected. The original date that we planned on him coming was this Thursday when we had already scheduled a time to get Liz started to give birth. However, I got a phone call this morning at work from Liz saying that she was already dialated to a seven. I immediately got off the phone, talked to my supervisor at work, and headed home. We went to the hospital and got situated, the minute they started to bump up the patosin (not sure if it's spelled right); things sailed smoothly. Both Mom and baby are doing fine. Josh was born at 1:42 PM, 7 lbs 3 ounces and 21 inches long. He's a very healthy boy and we love him. Here he is:

We love you buddy!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Baby name???

I am less than 2 months away from having our baby boy. We have talked about names, but haven't really decided what to call our new one. We need help. What name do you like the best? There is a poll to the left. Please help us.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Then and Now Tag

Way Back When...
20 Years ago...

I don't have a scanner so you can't see how dang cute I was back then. I was 3 years old. My childhood best friend Heather Pack had just moved in next door. I played with her every waking minute. I had at least 5 baby dolls and 10 outfits for each of them. I loved them like they were real. I guess that I was born with a love for babies.

At some point during this year, my big brother Jeff pushed me down the stairs. The fall broke my collar bone, which is the only bone I have ever broken. Thanks Jeff!

What else can I say about being 3...

10 Years ago...

This was one of the best years of my school life. I was the 8th Grade Vice President at Bountiful Junior High-the best junior high ever. We were preparing to be in the Bountiful parade on the 23rd of July. We worked so hard getting a float ready and making sure we were going to be the best float of all the junior highs around. Then the day of the parade came and it poured... and I mean poured cats and dogs during the whole parade. We sat on the float soaking wet and freezing. We waved to the few who braved the storm. But I really don't think anyone remembered our cool float. Despite our bad luck in the parade, this schol year rocked! It was full of parties and games and friends and of course boys (which is important to any 13 year old teenage girl.) Little did I know that the next year I would be SBO President and have even more fun in school. I do have to say that Junior High was way more fun than high school. I think of it as the best years of my school career. But I don't think I would ever go back!

5 years ago...

On the 24th of July holiday was the first time Steve and I watched fireworks together. On the Fourth of July, I had watched them with a creepy guy named Jordan. I met him while I was walking around the Bountiful Temple on a Sunday evening. He asked for my number and since I just graduated high school and excited that an RM noticed me, I gave it to him. He asked me out for the Fourth. He was kinda cute, but I didn't know until our date how creepy he was. We played games on a blanket until the fireworks started. It was fun and then while we were watching the fireworks, he grabbed my hand. I tried to get it away but he didn't take the hint. We went and got ice cream afterwards and he continued to hold my hand and try to seduce me. He never got the hints. He took me to his house, which I would have never gone in if his dad wasn't at home. He showed me a clip from his favorite movies. I can't remember what they were called but they were weird. They had weird music playing and gothis people flying around and stuff. He thought they were so cool. I finally talked him into talking me home. He, of course, walked me to the doorstep and tried to kiss me. I made a fast one and turned my head. He kissed my cheek not my mouth. I was amazed at the pushyness of this RM. He asked my out for the next night. I told him to call tomorrow and see...I couldn't think of an excuse fast enough. I went inside and vowed to never date an RM for a long time!

The next day I played Ulitmate Frisbee with a bunch of people; Steve was one of them. He knew I went on a date with Jordan and even knew Jordan. So he asked how it went. I just looked at him and he knew it was bad. After playing, he asked if I wanted to talk about the date. I said yeah, but I need to get home to baby-sit my nephew. He asked if he could come along. I said yes. (I already had a crush on him). We spent the whole afternoon in my parents yard on a blanket with my baby nephew. We talked. I told him about the date and he gave me advice on how to let Jordan down nicely. He met my parents. Eventually he went home. Then Jordan called. I told him that I wasn't interested. About 2 minutes after getting off the phone with Jordan, Steve called to ask how it went. At the time I thought "Wow, he really cares. He was listening and really wanted to help me." Now I know it was to make sure I wasn't taken and he could ask me out. We talked for a while. I hung out with my friends that night. The next day Steve called and asked me to go on a walk with him (it was Sunday so it was the only thing we coudl do). Of course I said yes. We went on a walk. He held my hand...I let him. I started falling in love and the rest is history. I love you babe!

Three years ago...

Steve and I moved into our first house, which is the house we still live in. We bought it from my sister Jenny and her husband. Many people told us we were stupid for buying a house so young, but it is the best purchase we have ever made.

We were both still in school. I took the summer off and worked full time at Nutra Brands selling vitamins to stores all over the nation. Steve went to school and worked full time at A Insurance. We had some good times being young and married and kid-less.

One year ago...

I had just graduated from Weber State! That was one of the best feelings in the world. But what was even better than that was the fact that now I got to be a MOM. I know Zack was born in December, but I still had to go to school. I left him at my sister Jenny's house for basically the first 4 months of his life. So after I graduated I could be a mom and only a mom. I love it!

Steve was commuting to Ultradent in South Jordan. He was working hard and moving up in the company pretty fast. The problem was the commute. He was happy to do it since it meant I could stay home. What a great guy!

So far this year...

I love my life. I always think I am so lucky and that I have the life that anyone would want. But others remind me they wouldn't want it. So I guess I just have the life that I have always wanted. I have a wonderful husband, a cute little boy, another baby on the way, a house, and the gospel. I get to stay home and play with Zack all day long. This summer we go to Cherry Hill a lot. He loves it and I love playing with him. I also get to clean and cook and do the laundry. I try my hardest, even though my house isn't as clean as Brenda's, most of the time it is good enough.

Steve got a new job at Hill Air Force Base. It is much closer than his last job and has more pension. We actually see him. Zack loves his dad and always wants to play with him. He asks me all day long where Dad is. I know a lot of it is because Steve doesn't come home tired from driving for at least an hour and is home 2 hours more a day. We are glad he is closer and likes his job.

We have been working hard in our backyard. I really think by September it will be presentable. We are going to have a huge party if it is.


I got up early and ran a lot of errands before 9:00 AM. I went to my sister's to exercise. After we did that, I ended up running her errands too. I got home at 2:30. We cleaned up the house, yes Zack is starting to help. Then Steve came home and we went to Cherry Hill. At one point we were the only ones in Pirate's Cove. It was dead. We also went on the mat slides a lot. Great Family Home Evening!!

In the next year...

We will get a new baby brother. I am hoping that he comes out faster than Zack, but is still a healthy baby. We still have a lot to do before he gets here. He is sharing a room with Zack. So we don't have a nursery to worry about. But there is still plenty to be done.

Zack will continue to grow up. Hopefully he will get potty trained. Most of all I hope he continues to be silly. I hope that he still feels loved after the baby gets here.

Steve and I will be the same. Hopefully I can get back into my clothes after baby #2. If not, I have Turbo Jam. We might go and leave at another base for a couple of months. We are trying to go to the Hawaii base, but it is hard to get in there. Other than that we will continue home improvements and stuff like that.

Now I tag: Lena, Kim, Jami, Joan, Michelle, Amy, and Sasha. Have fun!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Washington DC

Steve had to go to Washington DC for work training. So I decided to go with him. We left Zack home with my sister. We arrived in DC on Monday July 7th. I got home on Friday and Steve came home on Saturday. While he was at meetings all day, I went on guided tours. He would then find me and I would show him the cool things he missed. We also went on a Washigton After Dark tour the first night we were there. The whole vacation was amazing. It even inspired me to find a history book and read it...yes that means it must have been something special...I usually hate history.

The Washington Monument is my new horn!

Sorry about the long blog...I hate them too. But there was no other way to do it...there is just so much to post. But hey at least it isn't about Zack. :)

The U.S. Capital Building

I was able to tour the inside of the Capital building. It was really neat inside. They didn't let us take many pictures, but here is what I could take.
The rotunda is made out of cast iron. This picutre is at the top. It has George Washington in a throne with Greek Gods and Goddesses surrounding him. They all symbolized something, but I can't remember them. The guide spoke really fast.
There was a mural around the bottom of the rotunda. It followed history. This is the beginning where Christopher Columbus is arriving at the New World.

The White House

The house of the President. On one of my tours, we passed by the Federal Executive Building. This building was kiddie corner to the White House. We went to turn down the street the tour always goes one, but the road was blocked off and there were guards all around. Then the driver went to drive us passed the White House (which by the way, the street in front of the White House is closed to vehicle also thanks to 9-11). Along the streets for tow blocks were men in uniform. These men held a big black bag in one hand and the other hand was in the bag. The driver said "oh yeah, you know exactly what is in those bags!" He guessed the President or Vice President was going to or returning from the Federal Executive Building. It was pretty cool to see the security they really get. I don't think a President is going to get assassinated anytime soon.
This is the closest they let visitors get-thanks to 9-11.

Washington Monument

The famous monument! What you don't see is that it is circled by 50 US flags. It also has a line about one-fourth to one-third of the way up. This happened because they started building it and ran out odf money. The building stopped for a number of years (if I remember right 12) and then when they started the stones didn't match after 12 years of sun and rain.
Us at the base of the monument.
One night we were walking around and heard a helicopter. We looked up to see Marine 1, the President's helicopter flying around. We knew that the President was coming home that evening, so if you ask us, he is in that helicopter.

Abraham Lincoln Monument

Lincoln's statue stands 19 feet high-there is only one other statue taller than him in DC (the Peace statue on the capital). If you look at his hands you can see that they form an A and an L in sign language. These stand for Abraham Lincoln. They designed it like that because one of his sons was death and mute. This is also the place where Martin Luther King gave his "I have a dream" speech. His two famous speeches are engraven upon the walls.

This is the outside. Lincoln sits in the middle of that building, looking straight at the Capital Building.

Thomas Jefferson Monument

This monument was awesome! On the inside of the walls, many of Jefferson's quotes were engraved. After reading these quotes, it was plain to see that this nation was founded under God. I knew once again that this nation was founded so that Jesus Christ's church could be restored to the Earth. It also made me happy that all of the Founding Father's temple work is done. After reading Jefferson's quotes, I am pretty sure he accepted the gospel. What a great man!

FDR Memorial

This memorail was really cool. It had 4 different "rooms" that symbolized each term FDR was in office. Each room had a waterfall and each waterfall got bigger and bigger in each room.

These stones were in the room that symbolized Pearl Harbor.

Steve and I at the last waterfall.

One of the falls at night. This memorial was gorgeous at night.

FDR as the country knew him

I am in line for welfare. The only side view you will ever get of me 6 1/2 months pregnant.

Steve trying to get some money too.