Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Eagle's Nest

Eagles Eye

This weekend we went to Eagle's Nest. This is the house that was built and given to Hitler for his 50th birthday. It sits on top of a mountain. To get there we had to take a bus to a big tunnel. Then we walked down the tunnel and went in to an elevator that took us up over 400 feet. Then we were at the house. We could only go into part of the house because the house is now a restaurant and they don't want the customers bothered. The view is suppose to be amazing. It was raining and very foggy, so we couldn't see the view. But it was amazing to see all the fog and look down and see nothing. It was cool. The tunnel was really neat to walk down as well. It was weird to think that we walked the same place that Hitler walked. It was neat to read the history behind it and how long it took to build the house and the road to get to the house. It was really neat. We didn't stay there long because it was cold and raining. We might try to get back if we have time.

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