Thursday, December 3, 2009

Buzz Lightyear!

I was talking with Liz and she mentioned that I need to post this story up on the blog. Let me give the background to the story so that it will make more sense. A few weeks ago I accidentally threw Zack's Buzz into the bathtub with the rest of his toys. The thing that I didn't realize was that it was a Buzz with batteries (not sure what I was thinking then). Oops, I guess we all do stuff like that sometimes. Since then, Zack has wanted a Buzz lightyear that works.

Today, Liz and the boys went to Toys R' Us and Zack noticed a Buzz that was there and really wanted it. Zack didn't realize Liz had hid the Buzz and purchased it. She said that it was too expensive or something like that. Later on in the day when I was driving with the boys, Zack leans over to talk to me.

"Dad, I saw Buzz Lightyear at the store today!"

"Cool buddy, I heard from Mom."

"Dad, we should go there and buy Buzz for me."

"Well, we'll see what happens."

"Dad, you owe me because you broke the one I already had."

To be honest with you, I couldn't argue with him at this point and I felt pretty bad that I almost took him home and gave it to him. He'll get it soon enough though, we plan on giving it to him for going on the toilet so many times and he's pretty dang close. We're proud of him!


Lena Phillips said...

Ha! That boy sure knows how to negotiate! Very funny.

Amy said...

Kids sure learn quickly how to reason out ways to get what they want...I do have to agree with do owe him. I would want payment after MY working buzz was ruined.

Anonymous said...

What'll you give me if I use the toilet 10 times with no spills?

***Julia C. Greenfield Vanikiotis*** said...

I love that you guys share these little stories. Kids are so funny.

Jill Greenfield Vanikiotis