Monday, November 30, 2009


While I was loading the dishwasher, Zack ran up to me and we had this conversation.

"Yea Bud."

"I hate owies."

"That is a good thing to hate."

"I hate bees too."

"I don't like bees either."

"I don't hate bears."


"I don't hate some gorillas. I hate giraffes. I don't hate rhinos. I hate hippos."

"Well, okay."

"So, Mom, you hate bees too? Cool." And off he ran. I wish I knew what was going through his head somedays.

1 comment:

B Flat Major said...

You DO know what is going through Zack's head! He hates owies and bees, giraffes, hippos, and select gorillas. He likes bears and rhinos.

The problem is, he is a boy. They only think of one thing at once, and unlike girls, sometimes they are thinking of Nothing! (Just ask Steve, he'll tell you...)

That's a cute story.