Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hohenschwangau Castle

We walked a mile and a half up a big hill to get to the Hohenschwangau Castle. This was a Neo-Gothic castle that King Maximillian II restored. When he died, his son King Ludwig II took over the castle. We were able to go inside, but weren't allowed to take pictures. Zack was so excited that the castle was open. He has wanted to go inside every castle we have seen. Once we got inside, he decided it was scary. But I think he liked it. Since then he talks about the King's BIG bed. He even found a picture of the Salt Lake Temple and told me the King had a big bed in there.

Inside the castle was amazing. They didn't put pictures on the wall; they painted pictures on the wall. They would even hand paint frames around the pictures. The ceilings were incredible. There was molding all over in lots of different patterns- some was painted with color; others just blended in the ceiling. We learned that King Maximillian II had all the painted pictures clothed, but when King Ludwig took over, he had them repainted without clothes. This castle was beautiful.

When we walked out of the castle, it was POURING. The weather here is very interesting. It can be a sunny and warm and then within seconds start down pouring with thunder and lighten. We have learned we need to always be prepared. But we weren't as prepared as we should have been for this. We had umbrellas but no jackets. The boys stroller was left outside and was soaked! So instead of causally walking down the hill, we ran! The poor boys got soaked. But they re so good, they didn't cry or complain or anything. We grabbed our jacket and headed off to the Neuschwantstein Castle.


Lena Phillips said...

So beautiful! What I would give to live there!

Amy said...

I think this has been my favorite thing to visit vicariously through you and I didn't even get to go inside. Can you imagine actually living here?? I am sure it was unreal to see what things the royalty had.

Thanks for the great pics!