Monday, November 17, 2008

Poor Zacky...

Last night we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. All of the little cousins were downstairs playing, most were boys. All of the sudden we heard Zack screaming downstairs. I ran down to get him and he was laying flat on his stomach on the cement of my parent's unfinished basement. He wouldn't move. I picked him up and examined him. I couldn't see anything wrong, but he wouldn't stop screaming. I took him upstairs to see what the others thought. He wouldn't put any pressure on his legs and screamed when we tried to straighten his right leg. His leg was also shaking. Since he didn't stop screaming, I decided to take him to an Instacare. I had to call Steve who was at his mom's house (it's a long story of why we weren't all up there, but Zack can't go to her house). He came down quickly and we left Josh with my mom and drove down the street to the Kidscare. When we got there, the receptionist gave Zack a magic sucker. This was the only thing that made him stop crying. Boy do I need some magic suckers! After X-rays, we found that Zack had a spiral fracture on his tibia bone. Poor little guy! They put a splint on his leg. Here is his splint.
Tomorrow we go to an orthopedic physician to get it in a cast. The doctor at the Kidscare was pretty sure they could put on a walking cast, but wasn't sure because the break went high.

Needless to say, last night was horrible. Zack only sleept 3 hours. He was crying in pain the rest of the night. I was giving him both ibuprofen and Tylenol, but he kept moving his toes and leg which caused him pain. I really wished I had some magic suckers at 2:00 AM. This is him finally asleep at 10:00 AM (after a preisthood blessing). He is still pretty miserable, but getting better.
So what exactly happened downstairs? After talking to his cousins, we have concluded that his 4 year old cousin jumped off the couch onto Zack. So, basically, just boys being boys. I better get use to this.


Melissa said...

Oh my gosh!!! How scary for the little guy! I hope he gets feeling a little better. What orthopedic physician did you go to? My sister used to work for a great one over by Tanner Clinic. Dr. Watson. He's really nice and a great surgeon. Let me know if you need anything!

Amber said...

How horrible!! That makes me so sad just to see him lying there like that. I hope he heals quickly.

B Flat Major said...

First no ice cream, now this. I'm sorry! I wish I could help, but I can't think of anything! Call me if you need anything...

Lena Phillips said...

Oh man! That's so scary! The poor guy! And poor you! You're really not going to get any sleep or showers or grocery shopping done between he and Josh. We'd be glad to help out in any way. Babysitting, dinner, shopping, name it.

Amy said...

Poor kid and poor mom. It is really scary the first time your kids gets really hurt like this. It makes me so sad!! Good luck with it all. Please do not hesitate to give me a call!!

Jennifer said...

Wow, that is so sad. Poor Zack. I'm guessing he won't be in nursery next Sunday. That poor kid. Harrison broke his arm when he was 13 months old and it is so hard to see your kid in so much pain. Good luck with the next couple of weeks. Feel free to call if I can help with anything.

Richard said...

poor Zack, get better quick little man, we'll see you on Sunday :)

The Waldrons said...

We feel your pain and are so sorry. Those darn boys being boys is pretty rough. Seth broke his arm last year and had a cast from his hand up to his arm pit. I could never imagine how difficult a full leg cast would be. At least Seth could walk. I'll keep my eye out for those magic suckers, it sounds like you might need a ton.