Sunday, February 17, 2013

I will!

That cute little girl came to me on Monday and said "Diaper off!"

"You need a diaper change?" I asked.

"No! Princesses on." She demanded.

I explained to her that if she wanted her princess big girls on she had to go wet in the toilet.

"I will!" she said.

I explained she could not got wet in her big girls.

"I won't." she insisted.

I decided it wouldn't hurt to try. She is a lot younger than my boys were when I trained them. But if she wanted to, I was going to take advantage. Well, she did what she said she would. She has only had a few accidents this week. She is having problem with #2 and I am having flashbacks to what Zack was like. I am crossing fingers she won't be that bad. But for only being 27 months, she is doing awesome and I am pretty proud of her. She even went in my sisters toilet and the church one today. Not to mention her cute little bum in those panties. :)

1 comment:

The Hunter Family said...

Yay! Girls are easier! Glad she's doing well. She's such a doll!