Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Terrible 2

How many naughty things can Zack do in one day?

1. Draw a big pen mark right down the middle of the arm on my cream colored sectional.
2. Scream all the way to his room after getting caught with a pen (yes, this woke up his brother).
3. Get off the bed numerous times when he was supposed to be taking a nap, screaming in a high pitch tone the whole time (yes his brother was screaming too. Josh just wanted a nap).
4. Finally realizes that he is going to get spanked (I know I am horrible) every time he gets off his bed so he stays on his bed. It gets really quiet. I check, hoping he is asleep. Nope, he just has his clothes and diaper off and let's just say being very naughty.
5. He screams the minute he sees me (yes, waking up his brother again!). He knew he was being naughty.
6. While I am nursing Josh, Zack pulls out a bag of Goldfish and dumps it all over the kitchen floor. This was a Sam's Club sized bag not the little ones.
7. While Mom is in the shower, he finds baby oil gel and smears it all over his face and the play kitchen (at least it wasn't the real kitchen).
8. Whine all day long.
9. Throw fits every time he doesn't get what he wants (he never took a nap)

Okay, that is only 9 naughty things. I feel better. It wasn't 20.


Amy said...

I am so sorry...I HATE days like that! It makes you SO happy to be a mom!

B Flat Major said...

Oooooh. That is one BAD day! I've been there...do you need cookies? ;-) I hope Steve let you go out and do something by yourself when he got home from work!

Jennifer said...

Wow, that is quite the day. I hate it when the kids get like that.

Siddoways said...

Well that was very entertaining and made me feel better about my day. I have to say- chances are you stay much more calm during those bad days then I do.