Saturday, January 24, 2009

Attack of King Kong

A couple of weeks ago, we were visiting my parent's house. While we were there, King Kong was playing on TV. Since it is "a classic" (according to my dad), he was watching it. Zack saw the big gorilla and loved it. Now he begs to go to Grandpa Gorilla's house. We have been back a couple times and Grnadpa will put in his DVD of King Kong and let Zack watch it. Zack still loves it, even though it is scary, his own words. Last night we were at my parents and watching King Kong, which Zck calls the 'Gorilla movie'. We told Zack that it was time to go and he told us to leave him ("Leave me" were his exact words). He didn't want to leave the gorilla movie. So we decided to borrow the movie. Well this morning Zack woke up at 4:30 very excited. He ran into our room, came over to my side of the bed and said "Mommy, Gorrila movie!" He had the biggest smile on his face. Of course he wasn't too happy when I said no and put him back in bed. I don't think he ever went back to bed (I don't know why kids don't think we can hear them). We finally put the movie in at 6:30. I think we will be returning that DVD soon.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Last night, I was helping Zack say his prayer before bed. He usually just repeats what I say and starts saying amen when he is done. This is what he said last night:

Me: "Thank thee for my family"

Zack: "Thanks family"

Me: "Thank thee for Jesus"

Zack: "Thanks for Jesus. Thanks for puppies"

We asked for some blessings. Then we finished the prayer.

I thought it was so cute that he was thankful for puppies and came up with it all by his self. Steve had taken him to the pet store while I had a shower at our house. Zack loves animals. It just breaks me heart that he is so allergic to them. They make him so sick. At least, there is always 101 Dalmations!

Solid Foods

For the last couple weeks Josh has wanted to eat CONSTANTLY. So I decided I was done with that and started solid foods. I just love the face babies pull when you first start them on rice cereal. They wrinkle their nose and almost cringe like "what is this stuff?" Here is a video of Josh eating "solid" food for the first time.
I love it! He gets excited and starts kicking his legs when he sees the spoon coming. Then when it enters his mouth he's like oh that stuff again. Even though he doesn't love this stuff, he is always much happier after eating. He is all smiles. It's kinda like he is saying "ahh.. my belly is finally full!"

Friday, January 16, 2009

From the Boring life of Liz...

I haven't posted for a long time and it's not because I don't have the time it is because I never have anything to post. I tried to think of any cool things we have done, any funny things Zack has said (he says funny things everyday, but I didn't think anyone wanted to hear all of them), or anything new. But I couldn't. So in a nutshell...I have a boring life. The best thing about my boring life is that I don't think it is boring...I LOVE my life and wouldn't change it. So here are some pieces of my boring life...

1. Josh's Hair:

We cut almost 2 inches off of Josh's hair. He had a nice mullet. I thought it would fall out, but it kept getting longer. So snip-snip. It's gone. (He also has enough hair on top to make a ponytail...if only he was a girl.)


This is the hair! I can't believe it was that long!!!

After. He looks like a boy!!!

2. New beauty secret:
K-this is going to sound silly. I am always looking for cheap ways to look better. I love looking great but hate spending money on stuff so superficial. I heard on a TV show that you can make a face mask out of an egg. I tried and my skin has never been so soft!! So I dare you to try it. Here is what you do.
1. Separate an egg. Put the yoke in a little bowl and the whites in a little bigger bowl (you have to whip them).
2. Using a make-up brush, but the yoke on your face. It will make you look jaundiced. Leave on for 10 minutes then wipe off then wash off.
3. Beat the whites till frothy.
4. Put whites on face. You can leave these on as long as you want. The longer you leave them on the firmer your face gets. Then wash them off and wash your face.
I know it sounds ridiculous, but I swear it makes my face they said if you do this once a week by the time you are 55 you will look 40.

3. Family Night:

For family night we made cookies and let Zack decorate them....he had fun!!

This is what Josh thought if it...

Yes...he would get as many sprinkles on his hand as possible and lick!! YUM!!

4. Josh-
Josh has been cuter than ever lately---well after getting over bronchitis. He sleeps through the night, giggles, and is eating great!! I am actually liking nursing at the time. I love his giggles! I love that I can put him in his crib and he just falls asleep. I love his hugs and cuddles...this is alomost making me baby hungry again....almost...I'm not that crazy!

5. Zack-
The other day I asked Zack if mommy had 2 cute boys. He said "Nope, just Zacky!" I love that he is talking now! I love seeing bits and pieces of his personality. He is a lot smarter than I thought. He started naming colors the other day...who knows where that came from. He can count to 10 but we all know where that came from.

Now you can life is boring...but at least I posted about it...right?