Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good News or Bad News?

Good News:

Well after 7 weeks, I finally have a happy good baby! Josh was a great baby for a few days, hence the earlier post, but then turned really fuzzy. He always had to be held, wouldn't sleep very well and when he did he was restless, was very gassy, and would often scream like he was in pain. At first I was sure we just had a bad baby or I was just a bad mom. Zack was a great baby so it was our turn for a bad one. But now he is a perfect happy baby. He will just lay and look around and smile. He will fall asleep by his self. He only wakes up once at night, which I is getting later and later every night so I think he will sleep through the night soon! Yeah!!

Bad News:

Okay it's not that bad, but it's not that fun...Josh has a milk sensitivity. He is not lactose intolerant, or he would have been really sick. But if I eat dairy, he is not a happy camper. So this means I can't drink milk, or eat cheese or anything else that has a lot of dairy in it (like yogurt, cottage cheese, or milk chocolate). The hope is that he will grow out of it and by on whole milk at 1 year.

So that is what has been going on with life is great and I can actually get stuff done. Amazing isn't it?


Shooting Star said...

It is nice that they figured that out for you. Now you can have a happy baby and you can sleep through the night. Your boys sure are cute little suckers.

B Flat Major said...

I say...bad news. I also say that if it was my kid, it sure would be tempting to stop breastfeeding and switch to soy formula! (Except that it is expensive, smells gross, and stains worse.)

I'm glad he is better and less grouchy now. But I am also sorry for your loss. :-)

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear Josh is being a lot easier for you. It's great they figured out why he was having trouble, though I'm sure you will miss dairy. You'll have to have a party with lots of chocolate once he stops breastfeeding.