Monday, October 6, 2008

Look Alike?

"Oh he looks just like Zack!"
"He doesn't look like Zack at all?"
"He looks like your mom." -talking to Liz
"He looks just like Steve."
"I think he looks like you, Liz."
These are just some of the responses I have heard when people see Josh for the first time. My question is: Does he look like Zack? Here are pictures of both of them on Day 13. To be honest, when I first saw Josh my thought was he doesn't look like Zack at all, in fact he is cuter. (Don't tell Zack, yes Zack is pretty cute too) I still don't think they look very much like each other. What do you think?


Lena Phillips said...

Maybe that just means he's a good mix of all of you! I personally thought he looked like Steve, but that could have just been because of the dark hair. Now that you have a baby picture of both Josh and Zack, they do look somewhat similar, but I think Josh will take on his own look as he grows up, different from Zack.

B Flat Major said...

I still think he looks more like Steve, but as he gets a little/older bigger there is more similarity with his brother. Maybe it's the cheeks or the eyes.

Jennifer said...

I'd say there's some family resemblance, and you can tell they're brothers, but I don't think they look just like each other. They both sure are cute though. Good work.

Amber said...

They're definitely brothers. I think the biggest similarity is the lips. He is adorable.

Amy said...

I think they look like brothers. Why can't kids look like themselves? Why do they ALWAYS have to look like someone else? We get the same response.

BTW...I have blog stalked you and am now making a comment!!

If you want to read my blog, let me know it is private, but I would love to add you to my list of readers!!

Gourley said...

I'm going to have to join the crows and say he's a Steve but I do see a lot of Liz in there too. Ya I think you can definitely tell they are brothers. How cute if Zack stays blond and Josh is burnette!!