Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Air Hockey

We had to get a new dishwasher. (It is so nice to have one that works!!) RC Willeys had a deal where if you spend above a certain amount, you can get a discount on a nice air hockey table. SO we said "What the heck..let's get one." And so the fun began...

Zack found the Styrofoam after Steve set it up. He discovered that if you put it on the wall it sticks.
Yes, even after vacuuming a ton, we still find little pieces of Styrofoam all over the house. What is it with that stuff...how does it just reappear?

As you can see, Zack and Steve love to play. I love the top picture of Zack. He understands what a camera is now. So whenever he sees it in my hand, he pulls that cheesy grin. Zack does a pretty good job of actually hitting the puck; he even beat Steve.

As you can see, Josh loves air hockey too. He is one month tomorrow. Can you believe it? Still cute!


Lena Phillips said...

Wow! Your house is the place to hang out! A Wii and air hockey for the boys, and a new baby and a working dishwasher for the girls! (Maybe I have that backward) HOORAH!

Amber said...

I saw that deal! If we needed something new we'd totally do it. Looks like fun. So are you surprised he's still cute? It's not something babies grow out of for at least 4 or 5 years..

B Flat Major said...

We want to play too. But not till the styrofoam is gone. Nathan won't come over until it is because styrofoam creeps him out. Direct quote from him: "It gives me the chills. It's horrible. I hate it."

Jennifer said...

Zack is so cute with that stuff. Josh is quite a cutie too. I bet you find styrofoam for a while though. That stuff never goes away.

Mary Jane said...

Isn't it funny how the packaging is often times the most fun to play with. Good luck with that!

Gourley said...

What the heck is right- yay hockey table!! I love Zack's cheesy grin cute!